Protect your health from holiday stress with these 10 tips.
- Sleep 8-10 hours a night. Go to bed early by 9 or 10 PM or earlier if possible.
- Relax with a book at night before bed instead of watching TV or the computer.
- Eat balanced nutritious meals as part of your “daily routine”.
- Make lists to help you stay organized and clear your mind.
- Shop online so you can avoid traffic and lines at the stores.
- Exercise 1- 3 X per week for 30 minutes. Getting moving will help you feel better.
- Stay hydrated by drinking clean water throughout your day.
- Make a new recipe with a special food you love and enjoy.
- Resolve any pain that is interfering with your mood & enjoyment.
- Tell someone you love and appreciate them.
Best Regards,
Dr. Sarro
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