Category: Health Tips

Information for health improvement.

Six Top Signs of Mattress Failure

If you are thinking it may be time to replace your old mattress, I hope you will find this information of great value. I get asked this question weekly in the office. “How do you know when it is time to replace your mattress?” This… Continue reading

Tips for Holiday Stress

Protect your health from holiday stress with these 10 tips. Sleep 8-10 hours a night. Go to bed early by 9 or 10 PM or earlier if possible. Relax with a book at night before bed instead of watching TV or the computer. Eat balanced… Continue reading

Neck Pain Relief at Home or Work

Self-Massage Neck Pain Relief This self-massage technique can be done at home or work to help with muscle tension and neck pain relief. Next time you have muscle tension and neck pain, give yourself a simple neck massage, I think you will be happy with the… Continue reading

Stress Relief Solutions

Signs of Stress Stress is a normal part of life. It effects how our body feels physically and emotionally. Some symptoms may include a faster heart rate, headache, tight neck, shoulders and sore back. Unfortunately we can’t completely avoid stress, so we must improve how… Continue reading

Lower Blood Pressure Tips

High Blood Pressure Myths There are many myths about high blood pressure.  It is not a disease that only affects men.  It is not a disease that has symptoms. Very importantly, it is not a disease that should be ignored. Fortunately, we can influence and lower blood pressure naturally with… Continue reading

Abdominal Bloating Solutions

More than likely you have had abdominal bloating from time to time just as I have had.  It can be a very uncomfortable feeling physically and also look bad! So what causes gas to accumulate and wreak havoc on how you look and feel?  There… Continue reading

Improve Heart Health Tips

Improve Heart Health with Prevention Here is some exciting health news! “Ninety-nine percent of heart disease is preventable by a few simple changes in diet and lifestyle,” says Dean Ornish, MD, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco.  You can… Continue reading

Health Improvement Tips in 2013

The Building Blocks The new year is a good time to give thought to the areas of our lifestyles that could use some improving. Write a plan prioritizing what needs the most help. Sleep: Aim for 7 to 9 hrs of sleep per night. Make… Continue reading