Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Symptoms of Myofascial Pain


Don’t put up with Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Many people suffer with scar tissue, trigger points, and spasms. Most don’t know these are symptoms of myofascial pain. Most People think they have no other option but to live in pain. There are answers to pain. You Can Be Helped!

Deep, Aching, Knot Like Muscle Spasms that do not go away are signs of Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS). Those who are stuck in this pain cycle often lose sleep, are tired and depressed.

Myofascial Pain Causes

There are many causes of Myofascial Pain Syndrome including Disc Injuries, pinched nerves, repetitive motions, being overtired, inflammatory foods, medical conditions (such as arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and migraines), and injuries (such as a car accident).

Myofascial Pain can be a Mystery Illness

If you suffer from MPS it may seem like no doctor knows what’s wrong with you. You may have been told your pain is all in your head. Some doctors may have even put you on anti-depressants for pain. It is important to find a doctor who understands the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

Injections, pain clinics, oxycodone, and muscle relaxers may provide some temporary relief, but without addressing the underlying causes, MPS often reoccurs. It can get worse each year as more and more areas become inflamed.  Many patients feel like they are on a medical merry-go-round, going from doctor to doctor with no relief.

Read What This Patient Said…..

“I have been going to Sarro Chiropractic for over a year now and could not be happier with the level of care and professionalism. Dr. Sarro has greatly improved or reversed several overlapping and debilitating pain conditions that at least 10 medical doctors could not help me with. I would not hesitate to refer friends, family, or customers to Sarro Chiropractic. It has been a life changing experience for me.”

Reprogramming Myofascial Pain

At Sarro Back and Neck Center we utilize several methods to help eliminate myofascial pain. Pain patterns need reprogramming to achieve results and relief. The reoccurring pain cycle needs to be broken and reset. That is what we do!

Our Myofascial Pain Treatment Includes:

  • Chiropractic Structural Re-Alignment: Restores spine and nerve function
  • Neuromuscular Re-education: Restores movement and function to muscles and nerves
  • Vibracussor and Arthrostim: Instruments that target muscles, fascia, nerves, and the brain
  • Myofascial Release: Stretches, lengthens, and softens the fascia
  • Deep Stretching and Exercise: Both Doctor assisted and home based
  • Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition and Supplements: Whole Food nutrition to assist in healing
  • Deep Massage and Hot Stone Therapy: Frees fascia, spasms, and scar tissue
  • Foam Roller and Physio-ball Therapy: In office and at home deep soft tissue therapy

Back and Neck Myofascial Pain Audit

If you or someone you know is suffering in PAIN, please call my office at 781-829-9300 to receive a BACK AND NECK PAIN AUDIT (Absolutely No Patient Obligation).

Best Regards,

Dr. Sarro

Tight Hamstrings Solutions

Each week in our Hanover Chiropractic Office, we teach patients how to relieve tight hamstrings. In this blog post I will address the causes and correction of this problem.

Tight Hamstrings Stretches

2 Minute Video

Tight Hamstrings Causes:

  1. Excessive Sitting or Running
  2. Scar Tissue from Prior Injury
  3. New Strain or Soreness from Exercise
  4. Tendinitis from Inflammation
  5. Pelvic or Back Misalignment
  6. Pinched Nerve in Lower Back to Legs

Tight Hamstrings Anatomy

There are three hamstring muscles in each leg. The primary function of these muscles are to flex the knee and extend the hip. These movements are essential to walking, running, and squatting.

Tight Hamstrings Relief

Leg and hip flexibility allows for proper lifting, taking stress off of your lower back. Resolving hamstring issues will reduce tension in the spine and improve posture.

Tight Hamstrings Strategies

Many effective strategies to relieve tight hamstrings beyond stretching exist. Implementing these methods will improve the effectiveness of hamstring stretches.

Chiropractic Treatment: Chiropractic Treatment corrects nerve irritation in the spine and legs. Irritated sciatic nerves can lead to chronically tight hamstrings.

Chiropractic Instruments: Chiropractic Instruments  are very effective in treating hamstring injuries. Many patients having been giving rave reviews to our use of this equipment in our Hanover Chiropractic Office.

Foam Roller: Foam rollers are effective tools to soften and relax tight hamstrings. This  tool assists in exercise and muscle recovery. I prefer extra firm foam rollers which we have for sale in our office.

Massage Therapy: Massage Therapy techniques including myofascial release, deep tissue work, and muscle compression improve hamstring flexibility. Suzanne Sarro RN BSN LMT regularly treats patients to resolve muscle issues.

For Additional Help

If you would like help in resolving tight hamstrings or back pain please call our office to schedule an appointment at 781-829-9300.


Dr. Sarro


Pelvic Tilt Exercise

Lower Back Pain Relief

If your core is weak and you have back pain, it is not your fault. Today’s lifestyles of sitting at work are a major contributor to lower back injuries and pain. Lifting improperly can also shift the lower spine out of alignment. Exercise is a key component to improving the health of your lower back.

Strengthen Your Core & Lower Back

The pelvic tilt exercise strengthens the core and lower back, and improves spinal alignment. The movement targets the buttocks, and front and rear leg muscles. Strengthening these muscles will allow you to lift more with your legs, thus taking stress off your lower back.

Pelvic Tilt Instructions

  • Watch the video above
  • Perform this exercise for 8-12 repetitions
  • Complete 2-3 sets per session
  • Pelvic Tilts can be repeated 2-3 X per week
  • Discontinue this exercise if it causes you any pain

Warning Signs of Lower Back Injury

Pain with the pelvic tilt, or sitting, or bending, is an indication of lower back dysfunction.  If you have any questions about performing this exercise correctly or lower back pain, do not hesitate to call me directly at my Hanover Chiropractic Office at 781-829-9300.

Health Improvement Tips in 2013

The Building Blocks

The new year is a good time to give thought to the areas of our lifestyles that could use some improving. Write a plan prioritizing what needs the most help.


Aim for 7 to 9 hrs of sleep per night. Make your room as pitch black as possible. Invest in black out drapes if necessary. Studies have shown that not getting enough deep sleep puts us at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Just a few days of poor sleep begins to hurt our physiology leading to weight gain and decreased health.


Pick a type or several types of exercise that you enjoy, and rotate them based on how you feel day to day. One day you might swim, and the next time lift weights or run. Set a goal of exercising 2 X per week, and work up to 3-4 X per week over time. Spend 30-40 mins. per exercise session only, to reduce burnout and improve results.


Start improving your diet by reducing your intake of processed foods, alcohol, sugar, and soft drinks. Focus on eating whole foods in their most natural state. Eat some protein and fat with each meal to stabilize your blood sugar and hunger. When possible choose organic foods to reduce your exposure to pesticides. Get creative with new recipes and enjoy what you eat.


The adult human body is made up of approximately 60-75% water. Staying hydrated is an essential component to good health. Aim to drink 1 ounce of water per 2 lbs of body weight per day. A 140 lb woman should drink approximately 70 ounces of water per day. Increased water loss due to exercise, a hot climate, or illness would increase your requirements. Use a water filter to remove impurities from your water prior to drinking. Bring water with you on the go, preferably in a non-toxic container such as stainless steel or glass.

Muscle Work:

Invest in your health through muscle work such as a foam roller, chiropractic treatment, and or massage therapy. These treatments loosen muscles, improve circulation, reduce pain, and improve flexibility. By addressing back pain, neck pain, and injuries, you can remain active with good posture over the coming year. Dr. Sarro is a Chiropractor in Hanover serving the South Shore of MA.