Lower Blood Pressure Tips

High Blood Pressure Myths

There are many myths about high blood pressure.  It is not a disease that only affects men.  It is not a disease that has symptoms. Very importantly, it is not a disease that should be ignored. Fortunately, we can influence and lower blood pressure naturally with these three tips.

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally


Lower Blood Pressure with Massage and Chiropractic

  • Diet and Exercise. By staying active and eating a healthy diet, we are more likely to maintain an ideal body weight. Additional fat in the body requires the blood vessels  to circulate more blood to the fat tissue which needs oxygen and nutrients in order to live.  The heart has to pump more blood to these additional blood vessels which creates higher pressure on the artery walls.  This increased pressure equals higher blood pressure.
  • Stress Reduction. Stress causes a release of certain hormones in your body that can have a dramatic effect in your blood pressure.  Although these periods of stress induced blood pressure rise will often level back out again, repeated spikes in these stress hormones can damage your blood vessels and make you more at risk for long term increased blood pressure levels. Massage therapy helps to lower blood pressure and improve depression and anxiety. Stress reduction through massage can also decrease the odds of heart attack, kidney failure and/or stroke.
  • Relax and Re-Align  Research has showed that tight neck muscles and misalignment in the upper neck bones could play a crucial role in controlling and lowering blood pressure. In a study of people with high blood pressure, the group whom has their neck adjusted by a Chiropractic Doctor demonstrated a decrease in blood pressure by 17 points. Click here to learn more about how  Chiropractic Lowers Blood Pressure. In addition, research has also shown that relaxation of  stiff neck muscles through massage has also shown a decrease in blood pressure.

Lower Blood Pressure in Hanover

At Sarro Chiropractic Back and Neck Center we offer all of the above services to help you control and maintain lower blood pressure naturally.  We offer proper Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy Services to you, as well as diet and exercise advice and demonstration.

We also offer Complementary Pain Audits to determine if Chiropractic Care would be beneficial for you and your condition.

You can reach our office at  781-829-9300.

Yours in Health,

Suzanne Sarro RN  BSN LMT

Disc Injury Signs

Do you have pain when you sit, or pain that radiates into your leg? Do you have difficulty straightening up or getting out of a chair? Do you feel bent or twisted when you stand? These are very common symptoms I see in patients, and they are also common symptoms of a disc injury. Most disc injury occurs in patients lower backs or lower necks.

Disc Injury is Common

It has been estimated that approximately 50% – 90% of adults without pain have some form of disc injury or disease visible on an MRI. This is not even considering patients in pain. What this tells us is that disc conditions are very common among both people with and without pain. I have reviewed many MRI reports on patients over the past 14 years, and it very rare for a patient to have a completely normal MRI report. There is almost always some minor disc bulging found on these studies. I share this with you to put you at ease, if you have been diagnosed with a bulging or herniated disc.

Disc Injury Symptoms


Disc Injury can Pinch Nerves in the Spine

  • Severe pain in your neck or lower back
  • Pain that radiates into your arm or leg
  • Pain and or difficulty when you walk
  • Pain when you bend, twist, and or sit
  • Difficulty when you get up from a chair
  • Feeling bent or you can’t straighten up
  • Sciatica, pain down the back of your leg
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arm or leg
  • Pain when you cough or strain

Disc Injury Treatment

Most patients are alarmed when they are told that they have a disc injury. They fear the worst, and that they will need surgery. Surgery is rarely needed to treat and heal a disc injury. I have had many, many patients over the years who were told they needed disc surgery, that healed and became 100% pain free through chiropractic treatment.

Visit my web page on Disc Injury and Gentle Treatment.

Read additional outside source information here on Disc Injury and Treatment.

If you would like help recovering from a disc injury or degenerative disc disease, please call my office to schedule a complimentary consultation back and neck audit at 781-829-9300. You may be only a few weeks to a few months away from being able to golf or garden again pain free.

Best Regards,

Dr. Sarro

Fish Oil Benefits

If you are looking for a simple way to improve your health, you will find this post on fish oil benefits helpful. This is important information. Over the past 10 years I have been recommending fish oil to patients to help with back, neck, and joint pain relief.

Fish Oil Medical Research


Fish Oil Helps Relieve Back and Neck Pain

Fish oil benefits are very significant when you consider that medical research has been demonstrating that nearly all chronic degenerative diseases are related to excessive inflammation. This includes the aging process and arthritis, which tends to be more severe in patients with excessive inflammation. Fish oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids which help to reduce pain and inflammation without medication. It does this by improving your bodies ability to make anti-inflammatory compounds. Omega 3 fatty acids will not make you fat either. They actually improve weight loss.

Fish Oil Omega 3 Many Benefits

  • Improved Inflammation Reduction
  • Improved Heart, Cholesterol, and Vascular Heath
  • Improved Brain and Nerve Health
  • Improved Joint Health
  • Improved Skin and Nail Health
  • Improved Immune Function
  • Improved Eye Health
  • Improved Depression and Mental Health

Fish Oil for Pain Relief and Joint Health

There are many reasons to take fish oil, but the primary reason I prescribe it to patients is for it’s pain and inflammation relief properties. I have consistently seen patients recover from back and neck pain faster and with less treatment when they are taking this supplement. Patients that were once slow to respond to treatment, often rapidly get results when fish oil is combined with chiropractic and massage therapy. Many of my patients report decreased stiff joints and improved mobility with fish oil. Read more here on Fish Oil Benefits. Fish oil also helps tendinitis.

Fish Oil Reasons to Supplement

Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil were once abundant in our diets. They are now difficult to obtain from food. Modern farming has drastically reduced the omega 3 levels normally found in wild meat and fish. To increase your omega 3 fat intake, opt for grass fed and wild meat and fish varieties if possible. I have found that fish oil can help to make up for the deficits in our diet.

If you have additional questions on this matter, or on obtaining a proper high quality fish oil supplement, please call my office at 781-829-9300.

Best Regards,

Dr. Sarro

Abdominal Bloating Solutions

More than likely you have had abdominal bloating from time to time just as I have had.  It can be a very uncomfortable feeling physically and also look bad! So what causes gas to accumulate and wreak havoc on how you look and feel?  There is good news! Abdominal bloating can be avoided pretty easily with a little knowledge and effort. So here are five tips to help you look better in your favorite jeans.

Slow Down when You Eat

Eating too fast can lead to swallowing too much air.  This can leave you feeling bloated, so it is important to slow down and chew your food well.  Remember, digestion starts in the mouth.  Also, by slowing down while eating, you will savor and enjoy your food more.  It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you are full, so eating slowly could help you loose weight too because you don’t overeat.

Rule-Out Food Allergies or Intolerance


Water is an Abdominal Bloating Solution

Wheat and Dairy are common foods that cause bloating and gas.  This could be due to an intolerance and/or food allergy.  If you suspect that you may not be tolerating these foods well, remove them from you diet for 30 days.  Note if you feel less abdominal bloating and remember overeating on starchy foods, such as breads and cookies, lead to excessive bacterial fermentation in your digestive track, increasing abdominal bloating and discomfort.

Physical Activity to Reduce Abdominal Bloating

Jump-starting some physical activity can also help with abdominal bloating. Exercise, such as running or aerobics, activates the sweat glands that release extra fluids that the body could be retaining. A short 15-20 minute walk around the neighborhood after dinner can help with digestion and beat abdominal bloating. Abdominal exercises are also helpful in reducing abdominal bloating because they activate the abdominal muscles which help food move through the bowels. Exercise also helps you release stress, and can help improve stress overeating.

Carbonated Beverages, Chewing Gum and Artificial Sweeteners

Carbonated beverages can add to abdominal bloating because the gas bubbles can get trapped in your stomach, while chewing gum can cause you to swallow air which also leads to abdominal bloating.  Consumption of too much artificial sweeteners can also contribute to abdominal bloating because they are made from gas producing sugar alcohol that our digestive track can’t digest and absorb.

Stay Hydrated with Water and Reduce Abdominal Bloating

Drinking water may be the best quick fix for abdominal bloating. Water restores the sodium balance in the body and normalizes your digestive tract.  By staying hydrated with water, you body can regulate its delicate fluid and electrolyte balance. Eight-8 oz glasses per day is about right for most adults. Read here for more details on Abdominal Bloating and Distension.


Suzanne Sarro RN BSN LMT

Improve Heart Health Tips


Good Fats and Greens Improve Heart Health

Improve Heart Health with Prevention

Here is some exciting health news! “Ninety-nine percent of heart disease is preventable by a few simple changes in diet and lifestyle,” says Dean Ornish, MD, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco.  You can easily make these simple changes to improve heart health for you and your family.

Reduce Trans Fats to Improve Heart Health

Cut back on trans fats (found in partially hydrogenated oils in fried and many processed foods). These types of fats increase levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol, which lines arteries with plaque and can cause a heart attack or stroke. Good fats, on the other hand—such as monounsaturated (think olive oil and avocados) lower LDL levels and raise levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Click here for more Tips to Improve Heart Health.

Improve Heart Health by Limiting Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are found in cakes, cookies, crackers and other processed foods. Moderate to heavy consumption of simple carbohydrates like these can double your risk of heart disease, a 2010 Archives of Internal Medicine study suggests. Add more fruits, vegetables, and clean protein in place of these processed snacks and you will improve your heart health.

Get Moving to Improve Heart Health

An in-active lifestyle is one of the top risk factors for heart disease. But, you have control over changing that! Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise, has many benefits. They include: strengthening your heart, improving circulation, lowering blood pressure and improving muscle tone and strength to name a few. So take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk the kids to the bus stop instead of drive, and enjoy the great weather ahead while doing some spring yard work.

Don’t let change overwhelm you.  Take it slow, experiment with a new recipe, or change-up your regular afternoon snack.  Take advantage of the start of Spring this week and take a walk around your neighborhood.  Be patient, and have fun! Every good change counts toward your goal of improved heart health!


Suzanne Sarro RN BSN LMT

Trigger Point Easy Self-Care

 Quick Guide to Trigger Point Self-Care

Do you have muscle knots also known as Trigger Points? They can be painful. I am going to show you how to get rid of them. They are actually bound-up bands of irritable muscle fibers. These painful points can be felt like a nodule in the muscle tissue.  A Trigger Point can spread to adjacent areas and even trigger other points. The good news is, most minor Trigger Points are relatively self treatable.

What Activates Painful Trigger Points?

Many different factors can activate a trigger point including muscle overload, stress, trauma, accidents (including auto), infections or even smoking.  Palpation of a Trigger Point reproduces the pain, which then can radiate to the specific muscle that is harboring the trigger point.

How can I Treat my Trigger Points?


Trigger Point Therapy Self Tools

Self treatment can take place in many similar fashions. All of the various forms of treatment involve massaging the area using a few simple and different tools. The basic tools include your hands, a foam roller a tennis ball.

Depending on the Trigger Point, starting to apply pressure may be quite painful, so start slowly.  The muscle should slowly soften and relax during the massage work. You can start by placing the foam roller or tennis ball under the area to be worked.  Start rolling back and forth slowly over the tool, allowing the muscle to slowly release.  Initially you may feel a tightening of the muscle  but the muscle fibers will slowly relax, unwind and release.  Take some deep breaths and continue to roll until you feel like the area has loosed up and the pain has diminished.

Trigger Point Therapy into your Busy Day

A tennis ball rolled under the arch of your foot feels great! Also, this tool can be incorporated almost any time that you are seated and busy on the computer etc. This technique feels great and doesn’t  take any “extra” time in your day.

I have found that using the foam roller can be done quite easily while catching a little of the evening news. This is a creative way to make good use of your time and do something that is also good for your body with very little extra effort.

If you would rather have someone else work on your Trigger Points, both Dr. Sarro and myself work on clients with Trigger Point Pain as a regular part of our practice. We also have foam rollers available for sale in the office if you would like to start your own self therapy. Dr. Sarro or myself would be more than happy to demonstrate a few techniques to get you started.

Read more here about Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy.

Trigger Point Therapy Experience the Results

It is important to remember that Trigger Points respond better to frequent treatment than they do to extended treatment. Start slow, have fun, experiment with the above mentioned tools, and stick with it. I think you will really enjoy the results!

Suzanne Sarro LMT

Pain Relief in Runner

Pain Relief Testimonial

I love patient testimonials. One of the biggest rewards of being a Chiropractic Pain Relief Specialist is the thank you testimonials I receive from patients. They are awesome, sometimes life changing!

What this runner said about her pain relief…..

“Hi Dr. Sarro, Thank you again for helping me and straightening me up. I have said it before; I have had adjustments from several different chiropractors in the past, but you really are the best! Keep up the great work to help all the people in pain.”

Often times when a patient comes to our Hanover Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Office, they have been in pain a long time. It made my week to receive the email testimonial above from a very grateful patient.

This woman had been suffering a long time with severe neck pain, back pain, headaches, and right shoulder pain. The pain was intense and interfering with most of her fun activities like running, weight lifting, and travel. She reported excellent relief and improvement with our unique approach. Here’s why.


 Pain Relief Done Properly

We properly addressed her three major causes of back pain, neck pain, headaches, and shoulder pain simultaneously. All three areas below must be addressed in order to have lasting pain relief.

  1. Proper Alignment and Nerve Function Treatment
  2. Proper Soft Tissue and Muscle Treatment 
  3. Proper Inflammation Treatment

Addressing all three treatments with patients simultaneously is what makes our care unique. This why I believe this woman had better results with our treatment, than with others in the past.

Check out these home Back Pain Relief Tips.

Pain Relief Guarantees

We back up our pain relief services and products with 100% Money Back Guarantees.

Read here for more on our 100% Money Back Guarantees.

Pain Relief Specialist

Call my office at 781-829-9300 if you have any questions about pain relief care. My name is Dr. Jack Sarro, I am a pain relief specialist. The patient results above are typical of what is reported in our Hanover Office. I would be happy to discuss your individual case with you over the phone. You can also see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Best Regards,

Dr. Sarro

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage Relief

Are you in need of some relaxation, muscle tension and stress relief?  If so, a Hot Stone Massage may be just what you need! The use of Hot Stone Massage to relieve pains and stress is not new to massage therapy. Therapeutic Hot Stone Massage has been around centuries and has been used by ancient cultures including Europeans, and Native Americans. This therapeutic massage technique, used for thousands of years, helps improve overall mental, spiritual, and physical wellness.

Watch this short 2 minute video on Hot Stone Massage Therapy:

Hot Stone Massage Benefits

As with the other massage therapies, Hot Stone Massage is associated with many benefits. Because the hot stones allow deeper penetration into the muscle tissue, you may find that a Hot Stone Massage leaves you feeling physically better than a Swedish or deep-tissue massage that does not incorporate heat. Easy relaxation of the muscles, and improved circulation and healing to the area is more easily achieved through Hot Stone Massage.

Clients also benefit from stress reduction, release of stored muscle toxins and pain reduction with the use of this therapy. In addition, Hot Stone Massage is used as a therapy to relieve certain health problems such as arthritis, anxiety, stress, back pain, depression, insomnia and problems related to poor circulation. Click here to read more on Hot Stone Massage Therapy Benefits.

Hot Stone Massage Techniques

How is the massage performed? Smooth basalt stones in varying sizes are heated in a water bath to a temperature around 130 degrees.  The hot stones are lightly oiled and incorporated into a traditional Swedish massage,  introduced in the therapists hands.  The stones are kept moving, slowly relaxing the muscle tissue beneath them.  I like to refer to the feeling like “a warm butter knife melting through a pat of butter.”


Hot Stone Massage Warmer with Stones

Depending on the size and shape of the stone, they can be used to contact larger or smaller muscle tissue.  Trigger point or “knot” therapy is also addressed using smaller stones which pinpoint and help melt away tender spots.  The heat from the stones, helps to address deeper muscle tissue more specifically, more quickly and with more comfort. This helps the client receive quicker more lasting results than a traditional massage where heat therapy is not incorporated.

Free Hot Stone Massage Offer

Overall, receiving a Therapeutic Hot Stone Massage is like going on an intimate, personal vacation. It is a relaxing, rejuvenating and therapeutic experience for the body and mind. I am offering the addition of Free Hot Stones in all of my 60 and 90 minute massages as a complementary upgrade. Offer expires on March 17, 2013. If you would like to make an appointment or purchase a gift certificate, call our office today!

Money Back Guarantee on Massage Therapy

If you are not 100% satisfied with your Massage Therapy Session I will refund 100% of your money.


Suzanne Sarro RN BSN LMT

Rotator Cuff Solutions

Rotator Cuff Repair


Rotator Cuff Repair Impingement

If you have ever suffered from shoulder pain, then this blog post will be of great help to you in rotator cuff repair. Rotator cuff and associated shoulder injuries are one of the most common conditions we see in our Hanover Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Office. We have been able to help the majority of these patients recover without shoulder surgery. I will be reviewing several points you need to keep in mind in order to successfully solve your rotator cuff injuries. This article is designed to help you get pain free and back to the activities you enjoy quickly.

Read what this patient told me after treatment…

“Dear Dr. Sarro, Before I came to see you last Saturday I had chronic right shoulder pain and very limited range of motion. My neck barely bent to my left side and my left wrist had been a constant source of pain due to a metacarpal misalignment. I am very pleased to report that since your treatment I feel like a new man. Your keen understanding of the mechanics of the human body are proven through the art you practice. I am truly very thankful for your efforts.”

Rotator Cuff Symptoms

A rotator cuff injury can include tendinitis, bursitis, impingement, frozen shoulder, arthritis, and tears. The symptoms of these conditions are all very similar, and include difficulty and pain raising your arm overhead, loss of shoulder strength and range of motion, and shoulder pain while sleeping.

Rotator Cuff Treatment, The Keys to Relief

To properly repair rotator cuff and shoulder injuries the following issues need to be identified and corrected.No Pain

  1. Muscle Imbalance
  2. Posture Imbalance
  3. Nerve Supply
  4. Scar Tissue
  5. Inflammation

Without addressing all five of the above areas, a large percentage of shoulder injuries never fully heal. Some of those patients will go on to have surgery, and still remain in pain after treatment.

Correct Rotator Cuff Muscle Imbalance

To correct a shoulder muscle imbalance the chest and front shoulder flexibility typically needs to be improved with door stretches. The rear of the shoulder and upper back muscles need to be strengthened with external rotation, rear shoulder raises, and rowing exercises. Weights or exercise bands work well. Click here for some Great Exercises & Stretches to help you get started.

Correct Rotator Cuff Posture Imbalance

Postural imbalances should be addressed with stretching, chiropractic adjustments, foam roller and therapy ball exercises. The goal of these modalities is to reverse the common hunched or rounded shoulder posture that puts a person at risk for shoulder pain.

Correct Rotator Cuff Nerve Supply

One of the most common reasons many shoulder injuries never fully heal is due to misalignment’s in the upper back and lower neck that impairs the nerve supply to the rotator cuff. Chiropractic adjustments targeted to these areas improve nerve flow and health to the shoulder.

Correct Rotator Cuff Scar Tissue


Therapy Edge Releases Rotator Cuff Scar Tissue

Scar tissue in and around the rotator cuff needs to be addressed through soft tissue techniques. A variety of techniques can be used, and include deep tissue massage therapy. One of  my favorite techniques is called Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM). I use a tool called the Therapy Edge to help break up scar tissue. This tool is very effective for many types of tendinitis.

Correct Rotator Cuff Inflammation

Inflammation needs to be taken very seriously in order to heal any joint injury. Failing to reduce excessive inflammation will sabotage the results of any rotator cuff repair program. We reduce patients inflammation through ice application, anti-inflammatory supplements, and dietary changes. One of the most important and effective anti-inflammatory supplements is Fish Oil.

No Obligation Pain Audit

If you have a rotator cuff injury or other pain related issue call my office at 781-829-9300 to schedule an appointment to receive a No Obligation Shoulder Pain Audit. I will review your current pain and symptoms, answer any questions you may have about your condition. You will gain important information about your condition whether you decide our relief care is right for you or not.

Money Back Guarantee on Chiropractic

If I can not reduce your pain within 6 visits, I will refund 100% of your out of pocket money. Recommendations in treatment must be followed.

Best Regards,

Dr. Sarro

Chiropractic Instrument Care

 Chiropractic Instrument Relief

Watch this awesome short 2 minute x-ray video to see our Chiropractic Instrument by IMPAC in action. Patients have been reporting improved pain relief and results since we added this equipment to our treatment protocols. This treatment is not only super effective, it also feels really good. It is a very comfortable way to receive a chiropractic adjustment. This tool also allows us to more easily treat a wide variety of your extremity injuries. This includes rotator cuff, plantar fascitis, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. The multiple different tips and attachments have allowed us to better address soft tissue problems as well, in addition to spinal misalignment.

Improved Chiropractic Instrument Results

For many patients we combine Instrument and hands-on chiropractic treatments. Patients really love this approach. They are getting the best of technology as well as traditional hands-on care. Some of the benefits patients report include improved range of motion, relaxation & ease of adjustment, and decrease pain & spasm. Patients have also reported that they feel better longer after the combined treatment. At our office we are all about long term results for patients. I am always researching the best ways to give patients more quality and value in care.

No “Cracking or Popping” Chiropractic Instrument

Some people fear seeing a Chiropractor because they are afraid of adjustments that involve “popping sounds”. One benefit to our using the Chiropractic Instrument is that patients who have this fear can be treated easily and effectively without any noise. It is important to realize however that both Instrument and Hands-on Chiropractic Treatments are extremely safe & effective.The sounds associated with traditional Chiropractic Treatment is merely nitrogen gas being released from joints.

Back and Neck Audit

If you or someone you know is in pain, and would like to discuss relief care, please call my office and request our Back and Neck Audit. This will give you an opportunity for your questions to be answered and to learn about a natural drug free non-surgical approach to resolving pain and injury.

Best Regards,

Dr. Sarro

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